

Jacob's Family Group Conference

Family Group Conference - Family Meeting

How children see it

Our messages for social workers…from us for you


Family stories

Report RK centrum
 - Czech Report 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Memorandum - Initiative from the EU Network of FGC to excercise children's rights by first seeking organized support from the children's social network


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Sharing Best Practice, has focused on Family Group Conferences, join us at 5th Methodological Meeting on Thursday 21 March in Prague!

Our New Team has 12 new independent coordinators!

We are very pleased to participate in European FGC Network meeting 2018 in Edinburgh. This event was held on 4th and 5th October and opened on 3rd October at the City Chambers with a drink reception. We shared knowledge, experiences, research of FGC with our colleagues from Europe.